Isn't it amazing how some days you are able to pack it all in! Today I made lasagne & meatballs (from scratch - no cheating!), cleared up the house, did two wash loads, edited for over an hour, went for a 30 minute walk and tried - we all try - to promote my book! Pre-school is the best invention ever! My edits are going very well and the second book of The Evolution series, Integration, is now at 85,000's creeping up as I edit! I also managed to create a new cover for the second book, courtesy of my sister in law who takes amazing pictures... I'll post another day for your review. My sales are still slow, but I decided to sell at $0.99 or £0.70 - a bargain!
Ultimately, I would love people to read my debut novel, Hybrid, and let me know what you think. I started writing to escape, to explore my creativity... I would give the book away for free but I get the impression free books are not viewed highly...what are your experiences? I have heard that if you are into Twilight, my writing is just for you... But I am convinced it is not like Twilight as it develops. So, give it a go and read the 20% free download. What do you have to lose?
Thanks for reading, hasta luego,
Vanessa xx
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