Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Wow! More Five star reviews!

Well, last week was interesting to say the least... I had so many ups and downs I am sure I resmbled a yo-yo!  That's the way it goes right?  Anyway, in my muddled confused state I managed to come up with a new story which might just end up being a venting exercise.  Sometimes it's good to just write for the sake of it with no clear goal or objective... just to let go.

I have also started to edit the first novel I ever wrote... if I'm ever happy with it I'll publish.  Again, I though it was a waste for it to just sit there all alone, poor story!  Anyway, it'll probably be a freebie if I ever publish it.

I am back on track editing book two of the Evoultion Series.  I don't know if this happens to any of you writers out there... do you read your stuff back after a few months and ask yourself if you really wrote it?  I do... especially since it has been months since I had the chance to edit it.  People ask how long it takes to write a book.  Well, the answer is, how long is piece of thread?  I wrote it a year ago, but it was not like it is now.  A story has to evolve, adapt, be moulded and then, tentatively, you let go.  To see, to share...

Anyway, I am chuffed to bits to get another two five star ratings for HYBRID!  One on Amazon, one on smashwords... thank you JulieB & Sarah Hagen!

Good luck with whatever pursuit you choose to follow...Let the creative juices flow! :)
Vanessa Wester Author of HYBRID, Book One in the Evolution Series

Imaginative new author 20 May 2012 By Julieb!
I loved this book.You are engaged with the characters immediately, and the writing style is flowing, giving you a real page turner. The twist in the story is a surprise and I can't wait to read the next book in the series.
Well done to Vanessa!

Review by: Sarah Hagen on May 22, 2012 : star star star star star
Really enjoyed this book - actually I could not put it down. I would recommend this book highly. Cannot wait for the next book.

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