Vanessa :) xx
PS: For the nominees, you are not under any obligation whatsoever to take the awards.

The Rules:
1. Copy and place the Beautiful Blogger Award in your post.
2. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
3. Tell 7 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 7 fellow bloggers for the Beautiful Blogger Award, tell them by posting a comment on their blogs.
Now 7 Things About Me:
1. I used to be a competitive swimmer
2. I love listening to music
3. My favourite novel is Pride & Prejudice
4. I was born & raised in Gibraltar
5. I am bilingual (speak Spanish... seeing as I am Gibraltarian/ llanita! ha ha)
6. My favourite desert is Tiramisu
7. My signature dish has to be... (so many to choose from - HA) ... Gambas al Pil Pil (Prawns in a chilli sauce)
My Nominees
Angela Kelman
Gary Alan Henson
Carol Hedges
Charlie Plunkett
Scarlett Flame
Gary Henry

The HUG Award© was initiated by Connie Wayne at A Hope for Today, which promotes hope, love, peace, equality, and unity for all people.
The HUG Award© is for people with an expectant desire for the world, for which they: Hope for Love; Hope for Freedom; Hope for Peace; Hope for Equality; Hope for Unity; Hope for Joy and Happiness; Hope for Compassion and Mercy; Hope for Faith; Hope for Wholeness and Wellness; Hope for Prosperity; Hope for Ecological Preservation; Hope for Oneness
This award also:
- recognizes and honors those who help keep hope alive in our current world, which is plagued by war, natural disasters, and economic recession. They nurture hope, in any of the above areas (in italics), by the work they do, or in their personal lives with things such as blogging, public speaking, charity work, etc.
- is for people who, without giving up or compromising their own religious, spiritual, or political beliefs, are able to nurture hope and respect the dignity of all people.
- is for those who, without bias or prejudice, use their resources and gifts to make the world a better place for everyone.
- is for people who have a hope or an expectant desire that the work or talents they use in things such as blogging, public speaking, charity work, etc., will make a positive impact on the world.
Wow! All these interesting things about you. I'm glad we have some in common: I love music, love swimming. I'm bilingual too, I speak Igbo, my native language. I speak a little French and Hausa too. I've always wanted to learn Spanish, sounds like a sweet melodious tune whenever I hear it on TV.
ReplyDeleteThanks for participating in these awards!
I haven't heard of Gambas al Pil Pil before, but it sounds good and I'm salivating right now. :)
Congratulations on your awards! I too love to swim (though never competitively) and while I was not raised in Gibraltar, I have been their twice. Me encanta! Again, congrats!
ReplyDeleteThank you both for your comments! I will have to post a picture of my gambas next time I make them!
ReplyDeleteGibraltar is indeed a speacial place :) xx