***Welcome to my blog and thank you for
letting me interview you***
I met you on twitter over a year ago and have been entertained by your tweets and blog posts ever since. And you love cake - need I say more... :0)
I have read “Jigsaw Pieces” and was intrigued by the concept.
I have to
admit that, even though I enjoyed it, it was not a book I would normally read, mainly because I could
personally not relate to the main character. However, I can see why this is a
book many would enjoy, as put so well by one of your latest reviewers…
5 stars – Review via Amazon by Lyndell

“Not until I was half way through this
book did I realise it was classified as Young Adult Fiction. Well, I'm not
exactly a "young adult" but nonetheless it had me mesmerised. To me
it is simply a novel for any age which happens to have a teenager as its
heroine and more than deserves a place alongside similar classics such as
`Stand by Me' and `To Kill a Mockingbird'. Carol Hedges is a teacher herself
and her command of the subject shines through in the painful authenticity of
the urban comprehensive in which much of the action takes place - right down to
the smell of sweaty trainers in the sports block - and of the savage world of
teenagers seen through the eyes of Annie - an outsider by virtue not only of
being Norwegian but also of being more mature, more sensitive, more thoughtful
and more perceptive than most of her peers.
Annie is by no means an adult narrator in teenage clothes, however; she is every inch a teenager - touchy, confrontational, worried about her figure, contemptuous of the herd yet secretly wishing, at times, that she could be part of it. The story moves along at a cracking pace, carried not only by Annie's ebullient personality and dry, comical observations of the world around her but by the intriguing and seemingly unconnected threads in the plot - the murky circumstances surrounding the suicide of one of her classmates, her passion for a long dead First World War poet and her friendship with a traumatised centenarian war veteran eking out his final years in a retirement home.
These threads are drawn deftly together
in the profound and deeply moving conclusion, binding the centuries and proving
that the beautiful and the ugly in human nature remain unchanged.
Do not be put off by the Young Adult
label - this is a novel for everyone and a stunning novel it is too.”
Do you get a kick out of this kind of
reader feedback? How do you deal with reviews that are critical?
I have a funny policy about reviews - developed when I wrote the Spy
Girl books, and a rival author got readers to post negative comments (yes, it
happens). So, I will check them and summarily read what is said...and if it is
one where the reviewer has clearly taken time to write it, and has thought
carefully about the book and their reaction to it, I thank back. Other than
that, I regard reviews as being for future readers... and at the end of the
day, good or bad, they are still only one person's opinion.
Where do you find inspiration from for
your characters? Which character is your favourite, and why?
Characters come from real life, in my head, a book I may have read...it
all goes into a melting pot. I think one of the characters I liked was Annie in
Jigsaw Pieces - she was partly based on a Year 11 girl I taught, but a lot upon
What is the most satisfying thing about
being a teacher? Do you try to “teach” readers via your writing?
Sadly, I no longer teach - I am 63 and too old for the classroom.... but
I used to encourage students to write as recreation, beyond the dreaded
Do you think social media is important?
Your blog is fantastic. If so, how do you prioritise your time?
You CANNOT be a successful Indie writer now without using social media!
I have been blogging/using Facebook and Twitter for 2 years and I love it - not
for promoting my book, but for the chat and fun. The blog, which I started
after a frustratingly long period of not being published, is part of this. I
post a new blog every Saturday morning at 8.am. I usually start the next blog
on the Sunday after. It's good practice at meeting deadlines - another thing
all writers have to deal with. Sadly, I spend far too much time on
I know you have had an agent. Can you explain the process of getting
one, and what it was like?
I got an agent via a fellow author's recommendation - but I had already
had 3 books published before I did. Initially, it seemed a great idea...in
hindsight, it wasn't. My agent only placed one book...and we parted on bad
terms due to her criticism of my writing and my feeling that I was not being
prioritized. It should be remembered that agents also take 10% of your
royalties....so this needs to be factored into a decisions to get one. And you
are not free to submit to any publisher on your own behalf.
What is the most important thing you
have learnt, as an author, since you published your first book?
That I can write. Most of the time, I sit and stare at the screen
feeling that I am writing dross. I have to remind myself that 12 books on, I
can do it. I really can!
Which of your books did you enjoy
writing the most, and why?

Do you have a favourite author or
genre? Did anyone inspire you to start writing?
I love crime fiction... (what a surprise!) whether it is Ian Rankin, the
Scandi authors, or Conan Doyle. I think I was inspired to write by an
inspirational English teacher at Secondary school, who encouraged me. Isn't
that often the route?
Thanks for joining me...
Vanessa :) xx
thanks for letting me invade your blog!
ReplyDeleteA lovely weberview, Vanessa and Carol! I love reading these as I always find out something more about my internet buddies that I didn't know before; for instance, I didn't know Carol's favourite genre was crime fiction (although I should have guessed :-)). I've read Carol's books and agree that Jigsaw Pieces is a masterpiece and not just for YA either. I loved D&D as well. What a lovely richly woven story that is! Can't wait for the next one. As an approaching sixty teacher too, I am beginning to feel too old for the classroom too. I still love it, but find it very tiring these days. Keep believing you can, Carol, and keep writing! We will be eagerly awaiting the next gems!