So, a quick update before I have to go be mum again (half term week)
My daughter, Elsa won an award for swimming and I was very proud of her... she was even interviewed and was featured in the local IOW radio station! Woo hoo
I have been extremely busy finishing the finale of the Trilogy (it's getting there) as well as putting together two short story compilations to be published this summer! Phew!
I have also been working with a group of authors via Facebook to help with promotion and the amazing Gordon has put together a website...
There are currently many titles on there for only $0.99 or £0.77 so please go and take a look!
I also ran a free promo for HYBRID and FIRST DATE yesterday and it went really well. They are both only 77p now anyway... Thank you to anyone who downloaded!
Enjoy the rest of your half term week... may the sun shine some more!
Speak soon,