I was approached by Sezoni Whitfield www.twitter.com/sezoni and asked if I would like to be interviewed live on Twitter! Fool me, I said yes... eek! I have no idea what I am letting myself in for but please come and join in - should be fun!
Follow my interview with SEZONI WHITFIELD on Twitter from about 9am US time - 1pm UK time.
Use the hashtag #WritersKaboodle to join the conversation. Learn more about me on Twitter @vanessa_wester
A bit about Sezoni...
She conducts online author interviews every Thursday from 10:00 AM EST until 2:00 PM EST, and from 6:00 PM EST until 9:00 PM EST. The interview can be as short as 15 minutes or as long as one hour, depending upon participation. The interview is simply conducted.She will ask questions about your book, current projects, and anything else you want to share and promote your website, blog, and tweets. And share your book on Facebook.
To participate, just use our hashtag #WritersKaboodle with all your replies while the interview is in session. That way, everyone who participates in the chat can see your tweets and reply directly to you. Your tweets are always in the discussion forum for others to dip in and out for any useful writing tips you may offer.
If you're interested in an online interview, please send an e-mail to readnwrite241@gmail.com
I was also interviewed by Jason Bourne www.twitter.com/Jason_Bournesm
Please check out the interview here…
Vanessa :) xx
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