I realised the other day that the only post from this year was one full of optimism and positive thoughts.
Hmmm... Seems that when 2020 happened none of us knew what the year had in stock.
Solent view from the Isle of Wight, April 2020
I have read many blogs and articles that have commented on the crazy events leading to this point, but no-one could have predicted the Coronavirus pandemic - truly an event I would have thought to read about in a fiction novel, or seen in a disaster movie.
Is anyone else suspended in disbelief, hoping that as
Dallas did with Bobby Ewing many years ago, we will all wake up tomorrow and find that it was an extravagant dream? Wouldn't that be amazing?
I keep thinking that now is the time to get back to writing fiction; I have so many ideas swirling in my mind. But, it is actually a great chance to get ahead on my teaching - so as some of you may have realised my time is not spent doing maths not english! But, maybe, just maybe... I can use this time to put ideas together and plan.
The question is what will you do to make your time in lockdown something you can look back on positively?
Personally, I am trying to do the following things:
- Doing exercise every day - either a fitness class, walk or cleaning (this really does count)
- Try to achieve something in the house - clearing a cupboard, baking (and eating - exercise needed definitely), or cooking
- Spend time with family - talking, playing games or making a jigsaw puzzle
- Watch some news (really have to control how much I watch here since it was getting silly)
- Try to do some work... lots of maths just waiting!
Next week, I will be working from home again, so will have to get some lessons planned/ be there for students that need help.
I am also reading a series (on the last book)... so will try to post a review when I am done!
So for now, can I wish anyone that reads this good health and all the best during these troubling times.