JOURNEY TO GIBRALTAR now is available as a paperback, with a brand new cover & background.
I have also had two five star reviews and lots of lovely comments from family and friends that have made the time I spent on it so worthwhile. One of the reviews is from a top 500 reviewer... pretty amazed to get that one! Thank you.
My father is busy arranging the official book launch in August (Tuesday 7th for anyone interested). It sounds like it might be a busy event!
I also got featured in a GBC news program in Gibraltar - a pleasant surprise.
Anyway, I am so glad that it has finally come together. The challenge of editing, formatting, cover design, etc, is always HUGE! But, I am a sucker for punishment.
Getting up-to-date with A level work has also been taking its toll on me, but with Summer around the corner you never know... I might actually get back to writing one day!
Thank you for reading & all the best in your endeavours,