Since I joined in March 2012, when I published HYBRID for the first time online via smashwords, I have tweeted over 60,000 times (oops - that's a lot of promo tweets!), posted over a 1000 photos/ videos, and favourited over 14,000 tweets (so much good stuff out there...)! I am currently following over 7000 people (unless they are robots - not sure sometimes!) and have made many online friends.
In times like this it is good to reflect on success not failure. I recently worked it all out and this is where I stand on the trilogy!
I have 26 five star reviews, 19 four star reviews, 7 three star reviews, 2 two star reviews, and 1 one star (still sulking over that one) for HYBRID via Amazon.
I have sold over 450 copies of Complications, 200 of Return, and 30 of the entire Trilogy via Amazon. Considering Return was published November 2013, and the entire trilogy was published on May 2014, this is not bad. Not fantastic, but pretty good! Apparently, the average indie author sells 100 copies per annum so I am happy with this. I am an unknown author after all so any sales are brilliant!
All the sales figures are for eBooks, they do not include paperback sales.
To celebrate this milestone, I have decided to let you have the three novels of my trilogy for FREE! That's right, the entire trilogy is now waiting to be downloaded via smashwords... hurry & download, the clock is ticking!
***OFFER ENDS 31st JULY***

In return, all I ask is that you consider leaving me a review on smashwords and if you would be so kind on Amazon or Goodreads.
Reviews really do make all the difference and in the USA in particular I have been stung several times by the reviews left for HYBRID. I personally think that if you don't have anything nice to say or realise it is not your preferred genre it is best not to review. You think about it...
Saying this, if a review is constructive I will use it to become a better writer. I do listen to advice when given.
Click down below to go to the amazon site where you live.
In 2010, I was just a stay-at-home mum who kept busy helping others. Now, I still do as much as I can to help, but I have found something that keeps me happy too. Life moves so fast and it is up to us to make it stop so that we can leave our footprint.
The past few months have been interesting as I have found it hard to stare at the screen for a long time after my lazer eye surgery, but I am hoping to get my writing back on track asap! I hope to share some more of my writing with you very soon. Until then, enjoy this trilogy, soak in the summer sun, and relax.
I look forward to hearing from you all and appreciate the support you have given me to date!
Keep smiling,
Vanessa :)