For my first post of the year, I want to talk about perseverance...
I am naturally the kind of person who takes on a new challenge full on. I love to work hard, problem solve and find solutions. I think this is why I thought I would make a great Accountant many years ago - I probably would have too, if I enjoyed the office environment. But alas, I didn't. I do love to share knowledge and am very patient, which is why I decided to retrain as a school teacher. I know I enjoy teaching - both swimming teaching and helping students do better at/ pass maths gives me great satisfaction.
If you read about me on this blog, you will see that since I had children I had to reinvent myself again since I opted to stay at home, due to my husbands work commitments. It is really hard to do this (it was for me anyway) but I embraced it and delved into the world of crafting, PTA committees, etc... I have not always remained upbeat about this since my brain was shriveling up at times and I longed for some adult company. But, over the years I have made some amazing friends and been humbled by many situations I hear about.
What I find is that as my children get older, I get a huge sense of satisfaction at being here for them when they finish school, and I know I am lucky to be able to do this. But, this does not detract from the fact I am currently in "no-mans" land.
After reinventing myself again and becoming a "writer/ publisher", I find I am lacking confidence again.
Don't get me wrong, I am very proud (and bewildered) by the fact I have finished my Trilogy - how did I find time to do that? I have NO idea... at the moment, time flies through my fingers like rain falls from the sky (I am in England!)
The problem is, I do not have a very thick skin. Reviews do get to me. I don't burst into tears or anything like that, but seeing as I have changed my clothing (so as to speak) so often, I am very quick to think - forget it! Get back to your "real" day job...
There are so many things I can do with my time - is writing really the best use of it? I would love to hear from other writers to know what motivates you, what keeps you going, why?
I try to remember the writer I was four years ago, when I finally put my thoughts down. I was someone who was bored of brainless TV, who needed to escape by writing, who did it for fun - not for ratings, who just wanted to remember things that made me laugh/ cry and adapt them into a story.
I have honestly done as much as I am willing to do at the moment to promote my books, and I have had some success - thank you to anyone who has purchased my books. I appreciate it. It has been brilliant fun to see my books in the charts.
Now, it is time to start writing again... to escape and find my sanctuary.
I will still be around Twitter and if you want to chat, have a book you want me to promote, etc - please include me in the link.
Here's to 2014 - a year that will hopefully give me an insight into what exactly I should do with my life...
All the best & thanks for reading,
Vanessa :) xx